Way beyond thought
Is there anything that we can possess?
Within our cultural framework, we have given much power to thought. Thought is like a tool that helps us communicate, helps us travel from one place to another, and construct knowledge. In our culture, the idea of ownership and possessiveness based on thought has become uniformly believed in.
In actuality, there is no such think as ownership nor possessiveness. There is no such thing as a personal self. Thought is just symbols or remembrances. They are of past accumulation of knowledge and of imagination. We have been conditioned to use this past accumulation within our present interactions or project our thoughts into the future. Yet, thought can never be present and because of this it makes it very difficult for us to be truly connected. Relationship is based on seeing each other, and to be able to listen and commune. When we are so stuck in thought, we lose sight of seeing impersonally. Once you bring thought into the present, you are already moving away from presence. Presence is beyond thought. It is in the quiet of the mind that pure listening happens, a listening beyond the senses.
If you can, suspend the idea of ownership. If there was nothing that we could possess how would we see the world? How would we come into a conversation? If I wasn’t stuck in thinking about how to share my ideas but rather I shared ideas, what would happen? Would we become defensive?
Thought is limited. It is programmed. Freedom is way beyond thought. Love is way beyond thought. Wholeness (God) is way beyond thought. Listening is way beyond thought.
See what can happen if you let go of thinking for a bit. Don’t try and force your thoughts away. Just stop and listen. If a thought pops up which it will, don’t identify with it, notice it and see what happens if you do nothing with it. When the mind begins to quiet, what is the quality that takes place? What is it that we really need to make us live authentically, in love and connected? Does ownership and possessiveness make us happy? Notice for yourself and see what happens if you experiment and let go to quiet and freedom.