Intensive Therapeutic Guidance

We know it can feel daunting to find your way into health and wholeness. You may notice patterns that encircle your days; fights with your spouse, frustrations around your obligations, judgements, self-criticism, anxiety and depression. The list can go on. These patterns can create a lot of suffering. We want to get to the roots. We see over and over again that when we focus on the roots of our problems they fade away more quickly and holistically.

Our time together will provide you with the opportunity to dive deeply into yourself. By providing a safe space and our full attention, we are confident your time with us will be one of the most enriching experiences of your life.



Please head to our Individualized Therapeutic Guidance page to get to know the practitioners who offer intensive guidance, or head directly to their page: Maggie Mae, April Hayes and Garin Samuelsen. Feel free to reach out to any of them for a free consultation.

People utilize our guidance for many reasons. This is a general list:

  • grief or loss

  • depressive episodes

  • habitual anxiety attacks

  • medicinal support

  • personal wellness + therapeutic day: mixture of meditation; yoga; dialogue; nature walks; mind exploration

  • transpersonal journey



    We estimate a total of 13 hours of guidance. We will work with you individually on how to best use this time.

  • Two to four prep sessions: A time to discuss our support, your intentions, preparation, and space- materials needed, comfort items, meal planning, and preferences. A support person is encouraged, and sometimes required, to participate.

  • Three to five hours of intensive guidance: One primary practitioner will support you, and one will close by for additional needs.

  • Two to five hours for immediate reintegration with practitioners: This could be any activity that helps you process and reintegrate back into daily living- a walk in nature, time at a coffee shop, picnic, dialogue, yoga, or meditation.

  • One to three follow-up integration sessions: Process experience, insights, next steps, and further resources and guidance. A support person is encouraged to participate.

    *Sleeping over is optional and recommended. Using our Love University space or securing your own space is optional.

    *Hours of guidance vary per individual. If you are new to Love University, expect more prep sessions. Expect fewer hours if you plan to do the intensive in one day and not spend the night. Thirteen hours of guidance is an average.


    Donation Range


    We landed on this range by contemplating the time commitment and level of support one typically needs. We prioritize your safety and have accounted for the attention this takes. As with all of our offerings, we know the range cannot be met by many, and that’s okay. We trust you will give what you can. We’re sure we can figure something out.

    *After one guidance session is completed, we’re more than happy to do future sessions at a much lower donation ask. Also, if you and a close companion want to do the preliminary and integration sessions together, that’s an option.

Client Testimonial

I was nervous about going inward for a whole day. Feeling fear or anxiety is probably normal when you do something you’ve never done, but I knew I wanted to go inwards no matter what I found.

April and Garin helped me slow down, smile, and breathe. Knowing they were there for me if I needed them allowed me to relax, let go and know the experience was happening in a safe place with loving people who cared about the awakening of my soul. Having guides who genuinely wanted to be there for me not only throughout the day but also afterwards, was priceless. They were really present with me while I processed all of the things I was learning and feeling, and made this whole experience one of the most transformative days of my life. 

I saw things and felt things and flowed with pure love for the first time. In the moment--THE NOW--nothing more beautiful exists than our connection to wholeness and every living being we get to share our space and time with around us. Honoring the moment was profound. I had never felt the immeasurable power of the love wash over me, into me and through me. It was like a million supernova championships exploding simultaneously in and through my soul. It was God. It was Dao. It was El. It was the creator I communed with, and it was letting go of the part of me that identifies with society, survival, and ego. 

I learned so much about myself. I understood where my anxiety was rooted; from the pain of my childhood and hyper vigilance of trying to protect that loving little boy I used to be. I saw sadness in those people who never experienced unconditional love and caused me pain. They couldn’t get close to the river of love and light I saw. I had compassion for them but understood why they couldn't be there with me. I saw the special people in my life. Their unconditional love is burning brightly — so fierce and loyal — goddesses, brothers, and friends who loved me completely and wholly. I even saw death differently, a place of infinite love and acceptance — a home we enjoy and walk towards together. I saw all the things we humans mess up to escape the moment because of modern life. By attaching to all of these identities and things, we miss the pure ecstasy available to us in every moment. All of these things became apparent on my inner journey.

I continue to explore the things I felt. Integration is so important. What you feel, experience, know, go through, good or bad, lost or found, is what you must take into the life after this experience. How you integrate your learnings is what April and Garin will help you with and support you with for however long you need.

With that in mind, open up and try something you would never do. I’m glad I did.
