Support Love University

At Love University, we want to get to the root of suffering by offering health services that are not shaped by this culture, but instead, question this culture. When you donate, you’re helping us break down the inherent monetary barriers that affect so many people, and you’re confronting our flawed, hierarchical system. In hierarchy, many are left out. Let’s wrap each other and stop feeding into these ideas that perpetuate suffering.

We are a low-profit limited liability company (L3C) instead of a not-for-profit. Although we function very similarly to a not-for-profit, there is one main reason we decided not to go that route: We didn’t think a board would understand us. We feel our mission is complex and have discovered how easily it can be misconstrued. To read more about this, head to our About Love University page, and read below about why we have a donation-based approach.

Donation-Based Approach for Offerings

We know that asking for donations rather than a sliding scale for a service seems a little strange. We do it because we want to break free from transactional exchanges whenever we can.

We know it can be a little tricky to figure out what to give when you start working with us, but this is part of what we think is a useful practice if we’re ever going to escape the hierarchical structure we find ourselves in. We want you to give because you truly see value in what you’re getting, not because culture says that’s what it’s worth. We see our offerings as gifts that we truly love giving. How can we put a price on our gifts?

We chose a broad donation suggestion range because we understand people are living in very inequitable ways. We trust you will listen in and give what is fair to you and us. We encourage you to pause, reflect on your financial situation, reflect on what we’re giving you, and donate from there. Please don’t feel you need to give within the range if it doesn’t feel right for you.

For donation ranges for a specific offering, please read below or head straight to that page. Then, come back to give on this page (Support Us page) by clicking ‘custom’. If you’d like to donate another way, we accept cash, check, and Venmo.

Individualized Therapeutic Guidance $15-250

Intensive Therapeutic Guidance $500-3850

Classes, Groups, and Circles - head to the page

All Other Offerings - head to the page

Other ways to give…

Barter or Trade Giving

Do you have extra vegetables, tea, or work for a maple syrup company? We’ll trade you! Let us know your idea and we’ll let you know if it works for us. In our perfect world, we would solely be gifting each other all of the time.

You Giving

Donate time. Do you want to help us spread the word? Do you have computer skills? People skills? Do you want to help us put on an event?

Not receiving a service but want to donate?

Donate regularly by making a weekly or monthly recurring donation. You are greatly helping us maintain stability and plan ahead.

Donate one-time in any amount. Whether $5 to $5,000,000, your donation will help keep our offerings financially inclusive and flowin’.

Thank you. Seriously.

By donating, you’re standing up to a dysfunctional system:

1) You’re not playing into the capitalistic structure that leaves many out. You’re acknowledging this culture makes it very hard, almost impossible!, for many people to make ends meet.

2) You’re allowing us to focus on our work and what we can give, and avoid the transactional exchange mindset that is prevalent in our culture.

3) You’re helping create the world everyone deserves—a more loving, equitable, compassionate, interconnected, and sustainable way of living.

4) And the coolest thing is, you’re triggering your “compassion reflex gene”, which helps us all!