April’s Meditation Classes

Hello! This class is for everybody and will benefit you in so many ways!

Do you want to heal body pain?

Do you want to stop bad habits?

Do you want to get out of a depressive state?

Do you want to know your true nature?!

This class will help answer all of these questions and more. Okay, maybe not in one class, but keep coming! You’ll see.

By learning how to listen inwardly, in stillness, and if you choose, slow movements, reality becomes clearer. And when we grasp what is true and real, we also grasp what being alive (I mean really ALIVE!) means.

We are all born with realness; wholeness; love; reality; truth; okayness; awareness; aliveness; it’s in us. Just most of the time we forget it’s there.

What will this actually look like? 

  1. You’ll get comfy and oriented. Grab a mat, a bolster, pillow, blanket, writing pad, tea; whatever you desire that will help you feel safe, comfortable, and focused.

  2. We’ll say ‘hello’ and I’ll gauge your interests. These classes are usually very small and intimate so don’t be nervous! I’m here for you, and for me! I love this time to quiet down and listen-in with you.

  3. I usually start with a short and silent meditation, then head into some contemplations while you sit, lay down, or do slow movements. But hey, if it’s a small class we can go in any direction! For instance, I can guide you through yoga postures, mindbody awareness exercises, or we can dialogue around the roots of meditation and the universe. ;)

  4. We’ll close and you’ll go on with your day with your new wonders. Or, you can stay if you wish. Check out the space options on the Shared Office Space page and keep your slow vibe going!

Why should I trust you, April?

Yes, this only works if I’m a useful guide. Why should you trust me?! I wish I could build your confidence in me by listing my degrees or spiritual this and that I’ve done, but they have little to do with how I arrived here. All I can say is; I’ve been intensely curious about my mind, and my curiosity has led me to a deep understanding of what reality is.

Okay, what do you think? Want to get curious with me around the mind? Perhaps change your life?! It’s totally possible!

Please text me with any questions or to sign up for a class.

I’m very excited for our potential exploration together. ♥️