How many languages do you speak? Grab a glass of maple syrup and be blown away by this video: The language of being human (Poet Ali | TEDSummit 2019)...and don't get distracted, the ending is the best part!
This past Monday I was blown away by the groups’ authenticity and openness. This Ted Talk brought up some real things for us… mainly, our feet. Have you been insecure around your feet your whole life? now just realizing, “oh wait, there are other feet way uglier than mine out there”! NOT that comparing feet is a recommended strategy, but sometimes we need a little reality check, assumptions check, a “who really cares anyways”?! check. Why do these insecurities affect us so much? Is it because when we were young, perhaps specifically, under the age of seven, someone told us something in passing, or we saw an image on tv and thought everyone was suppose to be one way? No matter how it happened, it’s never too late to become aware of our insecurities and start a more kind monologue with ourselves.
Wonderful Roger (just say it, it sounds great) shared some quotes from Joan Chittister, a Catholic guru who often collaborates with Oprah. Check it: Rog reminded us that it’s’ the small things that matter. The day to day, baby steps we take to live in compassion and love. Also, what does rebirth look like? Are we constantly being reborn? Cool!
What’s the language of our bodies? How does your body communicate with you? and are you listening? The power of our bodies seems unmistakable, yet, we often separate this vessel of ours from our awareness. Can we experience the magic of our bodies through stillness? Why do I still want that donut!? Oh wait, it’s a biscuit. I still want it!!
Well, that’s my summary. If you were there and want to add to this, please do!!! We’d love it. If you weren’t there and want to add to this, please do!! We’d love it. Ciao, April