Break Free from the Cultural Matrix Classes
“The point is to wake up, not to earn a Ph. D. in waking up.”
- Jed Mckenna
The cultural matrix is the belief system that our culture teaches into us. It is a dysfunctional dream state with the root belief that we’re separate in the world. Are we separate from the issues we see pervading our culture or are we all collectively creating them because of the way we have been conditioned to think?
2024-25 Schedule
Five separate classes throughout the year, all online on Tuesdays 7 - 8:15p.
This class series will be similar to our past cultural matrix dialogue classes; laid back, welcoming, and inclusive, but there will be more teaching than dialogue in these new classes. We want to try to get you to conceptualize the topic first, then encourage you to stay on past 8:15p for further dialogical exploration, if desired. No prerequisite required except an open mind!
The Personalized Self: Where Am I, Anyway?!
November 19th
"It's Just Human Nature!": Is It or Is It One's Belief?
December 10th
Hierarchy is in the Mind: Can Hierarchy Be Real?
February 4th
There is Truth: Where Is It and How Do I Get to It?
April 22nd
God, Wholeness, Love: What's Behind these Labels and Beliefs?
June 10th
We keep things pretty simple. There is no pressure to sound perfect or verbally contribute if you feel uncomfortable. We know these topics can feel intimidating! We just ask you try to arrive on time and get as curious as possible.
We hope 75 minutes will give us enough time to provide a solid ground for take off, but we know there will be much more to ponder. We encourage you to stay an extra 45 minutes to dialogue with us or ask more questions.
Lastly, we love questions! If you’d like to email us questions about the topic or structure ahead of time, we will be sure to email you back.
Head to our Resource page if you’d like to tap into some of these themes right now! :)

Recommended donation range: $15-200
We run solely on donations, donate what you can. No questions asked. You can venmo us, donate on our Support Us page, write a check or send us cash.
This all sounds great, but who are these facilitators?
It’s us! Garin and April. We have spent our careers exploring the intersection of culture, philosophy, psychology and education. Garin’s master’s degrees are in transpersonal and consciousness studies and education. April’s bachelor’s degrees are in psychology and philosophy and her master’s is in psychology. We obtained these degrees because this is what we love to think about and learn about, not because we think these degrees, in themselves, mean much. What we aim to bring to the table is our deep-seated and personal exploration of the mind.
Head HERE for more info about our practices.
Head HERE for our stories.
“As long as you ask questions you are breaking through, but the moment you begin to accept, you are psychologically dead. So right through life don't accept a thing, but inquire, investigate. Then you will find that your mind is something really extraordinary, it has no end, and to such a mind there is no death.”
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
“Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.” - Alan Watts
“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”
― Adyashanti