Dialogue Training
Hello friend,
We are launching for the first time an intensive Dialogue training—taking place over three four-day immersions across seven months. Read more about it here.
Experience an incredible deep-dive into the Dialogue practice, with world-class teachers. We have come to understand that creating an egalitarian non leadership dialogue is very challenging but essential in bringing people together to share and listen openly and authentically. The very nature of having a leader creates an idea that one person has the knowledge while others do not. We see that in a true dialogue everyone at times discovers they are leaders while at other times they are followers. Throughout the entire process, a dialogue is a mirror that reflects back oneself and the collective conscious. Through seven months of at-home and in-workshop training, you will develop the ability to create and develop a non conforming, non-hierarchical, open dialogue while getting to know yourself on new levels. This training is for people who know they want to take Dialogue to the next stage and is not for the faint of heart.
Love University has been running weekly open and focused dialogue groups nights for over a year now. We are grateful and excited to host this amazing opportunity to dig underneath our inherent beliefs, assumptions and opinions to discover truth at an individual and collective level.