Labels: Part II

August 10th, 2020

Our friend and frequent participant, Lori, shared a couple videos and an audio with us, and we couldn’t resist starting this week’s dialogue forum with them. They seemed to communicate exactly what we’ve been getting at: 1) we’re all connected, and 2) label play a role in us forgetting that.

Honestly, I feel like I’m done here. Those videos say so much, and if we’re really present with them, what else is there to preach? Okay, well, I have one more way to get my point across. This song is for a mature audience, but if that’s you, listen. EVERYBODY by Logic.

Labels divide, yet we need them to survive and communicate with others. Can we alter our consciousness to be less judgmental and prejudice (pre-judge)? Can we have a less “labeled” world? What would that look like? Anyone up for trying with me?!

let’s do this.


RUMI - On Silence


Jamie Samuelsen and Presence