In Psyche’s Dream and the Journey into Wholeness
Have you ever wondered— “Who am I, like really, who am I? How did I get to be here right now? Why do I suffer?” We learn how to adapt and normalize the dysfunction when born into a dysfunctional culture. Here is a poem to sit with, listen to, and contemplate what it points to within oneself.
in psyche’s vision
taught into us
from the day we are conceived
maya’s enculturated wizardry
blooms into a
dystopian separatist existence
a dream thought as reality
with slights of hand
with ceaseless manipulations
and with the arc of fear
maya unfolds the
realm of duality
and illusion
within our minds
a drama perpetuating drama perpetuating drama
coerced into the drama
as children
we are taught
to not play
to not wonder and be curious
but to follow authority
and see learning as getting something
and success at the end of a futuristic tunnel
our sight grows dim
as we become coerced
by adults and schooling
falling away from the beauty of childhood
into maya’s domain
of a separated identified self
unconscious actors and actresses
as we are taught over and over that
who we are is not okay
and that we need to become somebody
to be seen
fulfilling enculturated roles
taught to perpetuate cognitive dissonance
to war against the world
individually and collectively
through traumas and pains
we force down
deep into psyche's-compartments
into programs
that dictate our reactions
unbeknownst to ourselves
we play into scales of oppression
and stay busy
never stopping to question
nor bring awareness into our cycles of
mental slavery
Suffering doesn’t matter to maya
poor or wealthy
conflict and ignorance
is maya’s delight
maya perpetually
keeps the system moving
individually and collectively
by conditioning us
to believe and identify
with our separatist and
delusionary sense of self
maya loves the addictiveness
of escaping
formulating the myth
that reality is full of suffering
and there is something wrong with us
that things have always been this way
enculturated as children
to feel separate
we are taught from the extremes
and everything in between
for we can only mirror what we know
of making a child think that one’s voice doesn’t matter
or giving a child whatever they want
to a school system that is not about learning
but molding children into conformity
to fit into the system's ideology
from here
we seek out
from our lack or from our greed
and we fear what we don’t know or understand
so we are pulled by pleasure
and run from pain
to keep us all buying in
making one believe that
cultural drama is a reality
and our role and identity is who one is
for we rarely give ourselves
a moment to pause and question
but maybe
maybe one has felt
that there is something off
something not right
in our culture
and so one may end up pausing and questioning
and maybe as you read this
you see yourself beginning to question
i paused
i questioned
wondered into my mind
with the light of awareness
i began to see
not with intellect
but the open curiosity
i peeled away layer after layer
of maya’s onion
i began to see that thought is not real
that images and ideas
can never fundamentally be me
and i began to see
that nothing i thought was true
nothing of culture will last
nothing in my mind was me
and i was done playing the game
i lept
over the edge of duality
no longer content
to satisfy dreams
or live in lies
i was here to expose the dream
to jump where dragons and monsters
and noticed that in the realm of
of my conditions
and sense of personalized self
was not real
i lept
with wonder
exploring where
few want to traverse
i dove into the dark
labyrinth of psyche's roots
where maya implanted herself
and dug in
using trauma, pain
and authority
to create her torturous landscape
where one always wants to escape
not realizing that is part of maya’s design
and so i was aware of how
maya made me think
that i was making progress
and getting somewhere
and that i was becoming better
and maya almost brought me right back
until i knew that was part of maya’s trickery
for there was no getting better or getting anywhere
but directly seeing maya’s false apparition.
not looking to change
not looking to identify
not looking to get rid of
but rather to see
to fall into
the real I
and so
i kept coming back into
the blazing light
of awareness
saw the terror of the
enculturated personalized self
fear of releasing its hold
a want to resist openings
for that is what it knew
and in the fire of this terror
i stayed
within the hell of suffering
until it dissolved
as it was seen as
an illusion
a light penetrates all depths
all darkness
in a presence beyond thought
dispelled all illusion and ignorance
all fear and fragmentation
and here
all was released
all is
and one sees
that there were never any doors or keys
that all is right here
right now
beyond senses
beyond form
can’t enter here
truth is
and here
there are no paths
only an immaculate presence
to where everything
that once was
is no longer
divisions and beliefs
don’t exist
and the idea of getting better
dissolves like clouds
there is no hierarchy
in this infinite wholeness
in awareness
sight becomes clarity
maya is perceived directly
and the enculturated psyche's drama
is seen as
nothing more than a mirage
with open wonder
into open horizons
i am here
beyond all words
all symbols
all ideas
is where i am
not in holding back
not in covering up
not in appearances
not forced on others
love is
right here
there lies nothing else
all is
which can’t be contained