Transpersonal Questions for You
Break Free from the Dream State #3
Is there really anything I can tell you about breaking free that you don’t already know? I can tell you about my exploration or how I think the spirituality industry has misled you. But so what? Are you really wondering yet? All the answers are already inside you. Do you want to know? (Like, really, REALLY?)
Here are some questions for you. Please find a cozy seat and relax into this beautiful moment where you get to wonder about yourself and the world. Observe your thoughts- are they calm? Slow? Relaxed? If not, take care of what you must do and return to this later. Feeling alert, present, and nowhere to go? Okay then! I suggest taking a deep breath and feel your whole body relax into openness. Ah, here we go!
What does it mean to be a good person?
Does busy-ness support goodness?
Who are you being ‘good’ for?
What are we saying when we say, “higher self, inner child, or higher consciousness?
Is our definition of good and bad enculturated or not?
Are we inherently bad or good?
If I am trying to be good, am I good?
If I think I need to be good, do I think I am bad? What does this mean?
Is there an opposite of good? If so, can ‘good’ be good?
Can you be a good person without questioning your enculturation?
What does goodness have to do with mental dissonance, or conflict in the mind?
Are you happy or peaceful when in a state of mental dissonance?
Are you doing right action when in a state of mental dissonance?
Can you know what is true when in a state of dissonance?
Is there a way to get to the bottom of all mental dissonance?
Who is having dissonance? Why is it there?
What is behind boredom?
Is it possible to know what is true for all beings, things, everything?
Does obtaining knowledge help you understand what is true?
What are personal truths and universal truths? How do we know the difference?
How does cultural conditioning impact scientific or religious/spiritual understanding?
What is the impact of language on how we interpret knowledge?
Is it possible to know right action without looking outward for answers?
Are ‘right action’, ‘goodness’, ‘intelligence’, and ‘flow’ synonyms?
What does right action have to do with being fully present?
Can right action come from past or future thinking?
Can Wholeness / God be anywhere else but Now?
What’s your relationship like with time and space?
Is the hero’s journey endless or not? What is the hero’s journey?
Is the hero’s journey personal? Why or why not?
Do you need a voice in your head to be motivated, purposeful or focused?
What does it mean if life is meaningless?
If life is meaningless, what’s the point? Where do we find meaning?
Does the universe care about your purpose? Why or why not?
Can you discover your purpose without questioning your enculturated thoughts, beliefs, and actions?
Are we flawed, ignorant, or neither?
If we’re ignoring (ignor-ant), what are we ignoring?
Do we think there is a lot of suffering or not?
Could there be an end to suffering or a reduction? How?
Does it seem like our ways of problem-solving help reduce suffering?
What do all humans have in common?
Okay, that’s it! Fun, right?!
Did this make you feel like you know some things about human nature and how the world works, or like you know very little?
Which is better— To feel like you know or not know?
Lastly, what does ‘better’ mean anyway?!
Thanks for reading, please reach out if you ever want to dive into these! ♥️