by Garin Samuelsen

from the moment 

we are born

no matter the culture

and no fault to anyone

but to everyone

we are coerced and forged

into a cultural ideology

a linking system of beliefs 

and attachments

that construct

either the awakening of the mind

or as we see in our cultural matrix

the imprisonment of the mind

as most

are conditioned

into this mind imprisonment

we collectively

regenerate the dysfunctional system each day

without consciously knowing

we are doing so

we become so entangled into the cultural morass

most become so engrossed in attachments and beliefs

they have no idea they are entrapped

they blame other

instead of looking within

and have come to believe

that their beliefs and thoughts and images

their cultural framework 

is the only way 

and see

it as who 

we really are

we are taught to 

separate ourselves from each other and nature

to always move forward

that the past defines us

to fight against

to entertain

to run away

to buy into a role

that ownership is normal

and essentially

to ignore our culture’s

deep dark cavernous


like most

i was coerced

into this methodology

to walk the 

supercilious delusional path

that had been

lived over countless generations

subtlety i was



heart numbing education 



i was being

mind enslaved each and every day

into a system that is fear based in structure

and thought that this is simply

the way

the truth 

and the


how wrong they were

how wrong i became

like everyone else

no matter their

role is culture

whether rich or poor

black or white

young or old



i learned to distract

from essence

and my inherent wholeness

we were all formed and manipulated

into the roles

we shall play out

in the adult world of our society

instead of listening into my holiness

education taught me

to move away from the mythos of wisdom

but to listen to

the robotic noise of conditioned thinking

to the noise of authority

to listen to the noise of judgement

to listen to the noise of the triple edged trident 

of fear, ignorance, greed and security

to listen to the noise of progress

to listen to the noise of righteousness

and the noise of damning theology

to listen to the noise of entertainment

and to the noise of being someone

other than me

to listen to the noise of patriotism

step by step

i learned

the subtle indoctrinations

of our cultural ideals

expectations given

of the right life to live

though it creates great suffering

for our cultural mythos

based on the idea of separation is

the implementation of fear and thereby sorrow

so year after year

as i moved through grade school

into high school


i became more and more

another part and participant

in our global culture

feeling separated

walking upon

the isolated terrain 

of rugged individualism

and taught to believe in

our evolutionary right 

to naturalistic domination

i bought into 

the ideology of rising  above

to rise and be somebody

to create an

artifice of success

develop my costume

and perpetuate my many masks

of cultural functioning

to compete against

 muy classmates

fight for my future

war against my enemies

I lived by the 

dicatations of authority

capitalism and greed

the American ideals

of manifest destiny

no matter what 

they did to other 

cultures and lands

i was a christian patriot

proud and angry

holy righteousness 

became the comfortable

mask i placed 

as myself

yet fear was 

the self


born out of 

this dystopian

cultural ideology

like all others

born into this culture


if i were to look

i was a 

dysfunctional mess

my mind enslaved

through the 

onslaught of my 


into this cultural reality


scared and isolated


and tired

wearing masks

to hide the suffering

wearing masks

to make myself 

feel connected

i walked the chosen paths

and yet i was lost

i was

an illusion

walking towards 

foreseen goals

and yet they 

held no meaning

i walked and walked


yet guidedless

i journeyed

to a land far away

trying to find

the elixir of life

the holy grail

nothing worked

until one day 

a friend

asked if i wanted

to try something new

a  medicine

he said would 

blow my mind

at this point 

i didn’t care

and was willing

to try anything

to release the hell

i was

he simply said

stop running

stop hiding

and stay there

ii knew 

had the potential to either destroy

consume or

wake me up

with a slow contemplation

I turned and said yes

it seemed easy

yet impossible

he said walk

into nature and sit

from there

I walked


began to happen

within me

something i had no words for

as I walked through

the tall conifers

 i needed to stop

and was left alone

on a gentle bluff

looking out over

a beautiful river valley

while white puffy clouds

floated lazily 

across an endless pallet

of sky

over an extended time

thoughts began to slow down

I just kept letting them go

noticing and letting go

noticing and letting go

everything became deeply quiet

time stopped

wholeness entered me

and my ego dissolved into mist

everything i thought i was was not

I saw in utter clarity

that wholeness is myself

that all is all right

that we live in a cultural dreamstate

a hellish prison

constructed into us

from the time we are conceived

and yet i could release it

simply by listening

and not holding on

in letting go

i discovered that

here all that was and is

infinite whole and immeasurable

i knew that the holy grail

was not somewhere out there

but had always been

within myself

I had never really stopped before

nor meditated without a goal

maybe it was I was done and just ready to listen

which forced me to stop and listen

to dive into wonder

and let go of 

who i thought i was

this seeing

let me know that wholeness

is always here

and our culture 

is a dystopian dreamstate

that perpetually creates division and violence

upon the landscape of this beautiful earth

violence upon other peoples

upon all creatures

all due to ignorance and fear

and the conditioning

through the way

we are educated

now i listen

without trying

a seeing that has no agenda

i walk without effort

i live and move

within pathless lands

always home

always within the center of all being

the center of  the universe

where there are 

no radii or diameters

no circumferences

but what is


and so now


lies fluid

just ways of pointing

i weave poetry

weaving into

all i come across

into all i meet

i leave it all behind

while letting go into the songs 

of the universal symphony

i listen to the wild grasses ripen

to the forests old and rich

whispering their ancient interwoven wisdom

i dive into the ebbs and flows 

and flow

with the windless chime

from unspeakable emptiness 

that has no word 

that lies immeasurable and 


I am it

you are it

everything - soil, bacteria, rivers, flora, fauna

moon and stars

all of us are included

in the grand symphony of wholeness


Oh, Hello Again Almighty Ego
